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LinkedIn Carousel Generator

Create a LinkedIn carousel post for free with AI. Our carousel generator turns your topics into engaging slides.

Amazing Catchy Title Goes Right Here!

Your amazing description goes here.

Co-founder at Typegrow

Section Title

Reserved for a text that will leave viewers wanting more.

Co-founder at Typegrow

Section Title

Reserved for a text that will leave viewers wanting more.

Co-founder at Typegrow

Section Title

Reserved for a text that will leave viewers wanting more.

Co-founder at Typegrow

Amazing ending note goes here!

Your call to action text goes here.

Co-founder at Typegrow

How to create a good carousel post on Linkedin

Content and copywriting tips to succeed with LinkedIn carousel posts.

  1. Make It Stand Out

    Choose a distinct and appealing background. Colors can evoke emotions and influence engagement. Picking the right colors can enhance the essence of your content and help your carousel pop amidst the sea of posts.

  2. Add a Personal Touch

    Humanize your carousel by adding unique things to you. Maybe it's your signature color, a brand logo, or your profile picture. These elements remind your audience there's a real person behind the content, fostering trust and engagement.

  3. Add Numbers and Stats

    Concrete data strengthens your message. Highlighting something like "10 Useful Tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Audience" gives weight to your content. Such definitive numbers capture attention and project expertise, making your audience more inclined to engage.

  4. Highlight What Matters

    Address problems or issues your audience faces, and present solutions.When viewers see that you understand their pain points, they're more likely to engage with your content

  5. Don't Fear to Experiment

    While it's good to stick to what works, occasionally trying a new content format or design can yield surprising results. Maybe it's a poll, a quiz, or a unique design template - take risks and analyze what resonates most.

How to use the LinkedIn Carousel Generator

Make a LinkedIn carousel that resonates with your followers. Here's how:

  1. Enter Your Topic

    Start with the main subject you're passionate about. By providing a clear idea, the AI gets a solid foundation to build upon. Think about what your audience wants to hear and frame your topic accordingly for our AI.

  2. Hit Generate

    Click the 'Generate' button, and let the AI works its magic. In few moments, you'll get carousel slides that align with your input topic, ready for adjustments and fine-tuning.

  3. Adjust Your Theme and Settings

    This is where you add a touch of personality. Play around with the design options, select a theme that feels right, and set the display elements, such as your LinkedIn handle, name or image to match your brand.

  4. Add Your Call to Action

    Define the action you want from your viewers. It could be as simple as asking them to comment their thoughts or directing them to a website. Make it enticing for them to take that next step.

  5. Download and Share

    Once everything looks perfect, download your carousel. Then, share it on LinkedIn, and watch as it grabs attention and sparks conversations.

What is a LinkedIn carousel post?

A LinkedIn carousel post is a multi-page PDF document shared as a single post. These posts are great for sharing useful tips, interesting stories, or how-tos in a way that's easy to flip through. Carousels help you share more than just a quick update and can get more people interacting with your content.

How to post a carousel on LinkedIn?

To post a carousel on LinkedIn, create a new post, upload the PDF generated by our Carousel Generator, add a hook for your post, and click on 'Post'.

How to make your carousel post stand out on LinkedIn?

Use high-contrast colors, bold headlines, and concise bullet points. Include real-world examples and data to add credibility, and always end with a clear call-to-action.

Can LinkedIn carousel posts improve engagement?

Yes, LinkedIn carousel posts can significantly improve engagement by presenting information in an interactive, digestible format that encourages viewers to swipe through content.

Why use the LinkedIn Carousel Generator?

Crafting carousel PDFs using traditional methods like Photoshop or online design tools such as Canva can be time-consuming, especially when you need many per week. Our generator significantly reduces the time and effort required, making it the most efficient way to produce LinkedIn carousels for free with AI. It automatically optimizes your content for engagement to set you up for better interactions and higher visibility.

Is this LinkedIn Carousel Generator free to use?

Yes, our tool is entirely free, providing an efficient solution to make professional-looking carousel posts without any additional cost.

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